Kelvin NgaiMusic Production Instructor And Piano (Pop) Instructor

    Music Production Instructor, Music Production Department
    Pop Piano Instructor, Department of Popular Music Performance
    Renowned Producer and Composer from Hong Kong
    Composer for “發現號”
    Arranger for “逼得寵物太緊”

    New Generation Musician

    In 1999, Ngai was recognized by renowned Hong Kong musician Xu Yuan and joined “星工廠” as a contracted songwriter. He was also the former keyboardist of the band RubberBand (departing in October 2010).

    At the same time, he has served as a music producer, arranger, composer, and concert keyboardist for various artists in the music industry. The artists he has collaborated with include: Leon Lai, Eason Chan, Joey Yung, Louis Koo, Andy Hui, Leo Ku, Kelly Chen, Nicholas Tse, Ekin Cheng, Hins Cheung, William So, Juno Mak, Miriam Yeung, Twins, Jade Kwan, Jordan Chan, Julian Cheung, Pakho Chau, Kary Ng, Vincy Chan, RubberBand, Sam Hui, Jeff Chang, J. Arie, William Chan, Stephy Tang, Sherman Chung, Ken Hung, Ella Koon, and many more.

    Frequent Recipient of Various Music Awards

    Over the years, Ngai has composed many popular songs. Among his works, “發現號” catapulted him to fame. His compositions have also received numerous music awards, including:

    • 2009 年加拿大至 HIT 中文歌曲排行榜全國推崇十大歌曲(粵語)《阿波羅》
    • 2009 年叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮專業推介叱吒十大第二位《阿波羅》
    • 2012 年勁歌金曲優秀選最受歡迎廣告歌曲獎《我要玩》
    • 2011 年 TVB8 金曲榜全球觀眾最愛粵語歌曲獎《13 點》
    • 2011 年勁歌金曲優秀選得獎歌曲《13 點》
    • 2009 年新城勁爆頒獎禮勁爆原創歌曲《阿波羅》
    • 2009 年 SINA Music 樂壇民意指數頒獎禮最高收聽率二十大歌曲《阿波羅》
    • 2014 年 YAHOO!人氣大獎唱作歌曲《道別說愛你》
    • 2014 年新城勁爆頒獎禮新城勁爆歌曲《道別說愛你》
    • 2014 年粵語歌曲排行榜頒獎禮最受歡迎歌曲《我就是主角》
    • 2002 年四台冠軍歌《第二世》
    • 2001 年無綫電視勁歌金曲季選得獎歌曲《一個人戀愛》
    • 2008 年十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮最受歡迎合唱歌曲獎銀獎《逼得寵物太緊》

    Versatile Pop Musician

    Active in the Hong Kong music scene to this day, Ngai is dedicated to providing production, arrangement, and composition services for singers. He is also frequently invited to serve as music director for concerts and stage productions, as well as band leader and keyboardist. His musical works include:

    • RubberBand -《阿波羅》(Composer)
    • RubberBand -《發現號》(Composer: Kelvin Ngai, 偉@RubberBand, 正@RubberBand)
    • Kary Ng and Terence Siufay -《逼得寵物太緊》(Arranger)
    • Joey Yung -《山口百惠》(Composer/Arranger)
    • Andy Hui -《金鐘罩》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Hins Cheung -《漩渦》(Arranger)
    • Joey Yung -《十三點》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Joey Yung -《我要玩》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Eason Chan, Nicholas Tse -《細路》(Arranger)
    • Juno Mak -《污點愛人》(ArrangerProducer)
    • Juno Mak -《如果可以代你好》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • RubberBand -《小涼伴》 (Composer)
    • RubberBand -《雙城記》 (Composer)
    • RubberBand -《夏令時間》 (Composer)
    • Hins Cheung -《絕》(編)
    • Arie -《第一志願》(Composer: Kelvin Ngai & Ivan Leung ︱Arranger: Kelvin Ngai, Ivan Leung︱監)
    • Arie -《我就是主角》(Composer: Kelvin Nga & J.Arie︱ Arranger ︱Producer)
    • Arie -《道別說愛你》 (Composer: Kelvin Nga & J.Arie︱ Arranger ︱Producer)
    • Arie -《冰島》 (Composer: Kelvin Nga & J.Arie︱ Arranger ︱Producer)
    • Andy Hui -《誰還敢愛這個人》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Andy Hui -《大風吹》(Arranger)
    • Jade Kwan -《無話再講》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Jade Kwan – 《一眼看穿》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Nicholas Tse -《第二世》(Arranger)
    • Nicholas Tse -《最愛之後》(Arranger)
    • Twins -《交叉感染》 (Composer/Arranger/Producer)
    • Twins -《花生騷》 (Composer/Arranger/Producer)
    • Charlene Choi -《同班同學》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Ekin Cheng -《一個人戀愛》(Composer)
    • Kelly Chan -《暖我》 (Composer)
    • Juno Mak -《我的失戀女皇》 (Composer)
    • 葉宇澄 -《問候你的天使》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Jeff Chang -《寧靜雪》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • William Chan -《千萬少年》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Bianca Wu Lam -《認錯 (Jazz Version)》 (Composer/Arranger)
    • Bianca Wu Lam -《他》 (Composer/Arranger/Producer)
    • Ryan Hui -《浮光掠影》 (Composer/Arranger/Producer)
    • Ryan Hui -《如今的您》(Arranger/Producer)
    • Ryan Hui -《開竅》(Arranger/Producer)
    • Ryan Hui -《嚇大》(Arranger/Producer)
    • Hinson Chou Tsz Yeun -《M 型社會》(Composer:Kelvin Ngai, 周子揚/Arranger/Producer)
    • Hinson Chou Tsz Yeun -《木頭車》 (Arranger/Producer) , and many more.


    Concerts participated in include:

    • RubberBand -《RubberBand Concert No.1》(Keyboard)
    • Edmond Leung -《Moov Live》 (Keyboard)
    • Leon Lai -《Dream Wedding 演唱會》 (Keyboard)
    • Leo Ku -《Eye Fever 演唱會》 (Keyboard)
    • 《孫燕姿拉闊音樂會 Opening Band》 (Keyboard)
    • Arie -《LIVE at First Sight》新碟發佈音樂會 (Band Leader and Keyboard)
    • Arie – Apple Store 《PSYCHE VOICE》新碟發佈音樂會(Band Leader and Keyboard)
    • 903《森美移動第一次音樂大戰》 (Keyboard)
    • 《2009 拉闊音樂會》 (Keyboard)
    • 《2010 拉闊音樂會》 (Keyboard)
    • 《903 繽紛音樂園》 (Keyboard)
    • 《有『營』音樂會》 (Keyboard)
    • Sam Hui -《繼續微笑會歌神香港演唱會 Part 1,2,3,4》 (Keyboard)
    • Sam Hui -《05 賀歲嘉年華演唱會》 (Keyboard)
    • Sam Hui -《繼續微笑會歌神巡迴演唱會(廣州/佛山/中山/番禺/雲頂/新加坡/雷諾/溫哥華/拉斯維加斯/多倫多/大西洋城/悉尼/大馬)》 (Keyboard)
    • Sam Hui -《斤兩十足演唱會(澳門/馬來西亞)》 (Keyboard)
    • Sam Hui -《What a Wonderful World 演唱會 – (香港/上海/新加坡/悉尼/墨爾本)》 (Keyboard)


    In Touch with the Pulse of Music Trends

    Ngai’s outstanding creative style is widely welcomed in the market. He has been invited by major music entertainment groups such as “Emperor Entertainment,” “Gold Typhoon,” “BeBop Music” (founded by Andrew Tuason), and “Zoo Music” (founded by Schumann Lee) to take on roles in production, arrangement, composition, and record release.

    Ngai possesses a keen musical sense for the local pop music market and trends in Hong Kong. He is also familiar with contemporary music production and arrangement techniques. Therefore, he has a rich and deep understanding of current musical styles and arrangement skills.


