Sammi ChanSing and Dance Instructor

    Sing and Dance Instructor, Sing and Dance Department
    Ranked 9th in Midlife, Sing & Shine!

    Has released a personal EP and won numerous awards

    Chan has had a deep interest in music since childhood and is determined to debut as a singer. Starting from the age of 6, Chan has been learning piano performance, and has also joined various school music groups and choirs, actively participating in both school and external music performances, and even participating in different school music competitions, gaining rich stage skills. In order to keep improving, she has started to focus on singing and dancing performance on stage, striving towards the goal of becoming a singer.

    Chan participated in the Emperor’s Young Talent Competition in 2006 and successfully made it to the top 15. Later in 2011, she officially debuted under the stage name Chan Wai Ting, releasing her personal EP “新一天”, and also won multiple music awards:-

    • HMV暢銷亞洲唱碟排行榜第一位
    • HMV國粵語音樂排行榜第一位
    • HMV整體排行榜第二位
    • CD WAREHOUSE暢銷榜第二位
    • 2011年新勢力國語力「新勢力歌手新人獎」
    • 2011年華語金曲「優秀新人獎」
    • 2011年CNTV第八屆勁歌王金曲金榜「最佳新晉歌手獎」
    • 2011年 U CHANNEL「YOUTH最喜愛女新人獎」
    • 2011年「新城勁爆新登場女歌手」
    • 2012年「新城勁爆躍進歌手」

    Extensive Competition Experience

    Chan’s abilities are recognized by the industry. Through her excellent singing and dancing skills, as well as a strong sense of rhythm, she stood out from the 108 contestants on “Midlife, Sing & Shine! 2” with her performance of “白金升降機”, advancing to the top 60. She then achieved an outstanding performance of 5 lights with “There’s No One in My Heart”, further advancing to the top 30. She consistently received unanimous praise from the judging panel, using her skills to make it to the final top 10 of the competition, ultimately placing 9th.

    Frequently Invited as a Guest Performer

    Chan’s excellent vocal skills and captivating stage presence make her highly charismatic. She is frequently invited as a guest performer at various events, including:

    • 2011香港電台太陽計劃愛在當下為未來閉幕禮
    • 2011 環保予你健康生活計劃地區巡禮
    • 2011 澳洲旅遊發展局澳洲盡是不同高球日
    • 2012粵港澳大灣區共同家園主題展覽龍獅匯演嘉年華
    • 2013 鄧麗君甜蜜蜜慈善音樂會
    • 2013《流芳濟世》大型音樂舞台劇
    • 2014 利高集團春茗晚宴
    • 2015 AIA友邦保險春茗晚宴
    • 2016 中國澳門游泳總會成立六十周年聯歡晚宴暨第十五屆行政人員就職典禮
    • 2016澳博慈善拍賣晚宴
    • 2017中聯辦新春酒會
    • 2018 香港旅行社東主協會新春聯歡晚會
    • 2018 本地漁濃美食嘉年華
    • Hong Kong Dental Association Annual Ball 2018

    Using Experience to Lead Students in Enjoying Music

    Chan hopes to share her rich stage and large-scale television reality singing competition experience with her students in the classroom, discussing the competition process, performance skills, and cultivating students’ enthusiasm for singing and performing, accompanying students in enjoying the joy of music and stage. Chan will also tailor the teaching content according to the students’ level and abilities, focusing on strengthening the potential of each student and enhancing their musical accomplishments, with the hope that students can build self-confidence through music and realize their musical dreams.
