Lyric-Writing Instructor, Lyric-Writing Department
Renowned Lyricist in Hong Kong
Former Director of CR2
Former Director of Marketing and Promotion at Emperor Entertainment Group
Strong Musical Background Leading to Excellence
Wong has been passionate about writing from a young age, with a deep interest and talent for intertwining melodies and lyrics. After graduating from university, he took a position in the advertising creative department at Commercial Radio Hong Kong’s Channel 903, where his impressive skills and creativity led to a promotion to director in just three years. During his tenure, Wong not only managed various station affairs but also hosted the program “Waste Novel.” Despite juggling multiple roles, he never forgot his dream of lyric writing. In 1996, he penned the lyrics for Taiwanese singer Su Hui-lun’s song “Working Days,” officially becoming a lyricist in the music industry.
Committed to promoting the development of the local music scene, Wong has held positions in various entertainment, music, and record companies. He served as the Assistant Vice President of Content Development at MOOV, was the Head of Content Collaboration at Cable Broadband, and worked as the Director of Marketing and Promotion at Emperor Entertainment Group, managing several major music stars, including Nicholas Tse, Joey Yung, Hacken Lee, Hins Cheung, and Leo Ku, among others.
Experienced Lyricist with Nearly a Hundred Works
Wong has collaborated with numerous renowned musicians, singers, and artists, including: 黎明、古巨基、何韻詩、楊千嬅、容祖兒、泳兒、陳曉東、鄭融、陳奕迅、謝霆鋒、何超儀、鄭中基、張繼聰、林海峰、軟硬、盧巧音、張敬軒、側田、吳雨霏、Shine、陳小春、杜汶澤、劉浩龍、應昌佑、李治廷、衛蘭、衛詩、鄧健泓、蔡卓妍、鍾欣潼、陳偉霆、鍾舒漫、洪卓立、關楚耀、方力申、李采華、官恩娜、徐子珊、鄭希怡、Janice Ma、曾樂彤、鄧建明、有耳非文、蘇慧倫、余力機構、姚琇齡、丘采樺、Gentlemen、恭碩良、盧凱彤、周柏豪及林奕匡等等。
Among the many works of Teacher Wong Chung-hoi, several popular and frequently played songs include:
- 黎明 -《也不夠》
- 黎明 -《蠢蠢欲動》
- 黎明 -《日光甦醒時》
- 黎明 -《突然念舊》
- 黎明 -《煙火》
- 古巨基 -《敢死隊》
- 古巨基 -《I have a dream》
- 古巨基 -《空肚食早餐》
- 古巨基 -《HEA》
- 古巨基 -《愛風》
- 古巨基 -《迷博》
- 古巨基 -《北半球選美離奇火警事故》
- 古巨基 -《爆了》
- 古巨基 -《我們的超人》
- 古巨基 -《心中的巨人》
- 楊千嬅 -《最後今天》
- 楊千嬅 -《對木偶唱歌》
- 楊千嬅 -《你幸福嗎?》
- 容祖兒 -《如果睡袍太少布》
- 陳曉東 -《劃火柴》
- 鄭融 -《一分鐘漂亮》
- 鄭融 -《Hey Girl》
- 陳奕迅 -《五星級迫爆》
- 陳奕迅 -《一疋布》
- 陳奕迅 -《天公地道》
- 謝霆鋒 -《無端端一個人》
- 何超儀 -《雨果》
- 何超儀 -《人妻良母》
- 鄭中基 -《爛瞓》
- 張繼聰 -《寧願晏D瞓》
- 張繼聰 -《四小強》
- 張繼聰 -《靚餐死》
- 林海峰 -《踎低噴飯》
- 軟硬 -《拍膊頭》
- 盧巧音 -《怪怪房》
- 張敬軒 -《YOU》
- 側田 -《Morning After》
- 吳雨霏 -《耍我》
- Shine -《荷蘭水蓋》
- 陳小春 -《厄爾尼諾》
- 杜汶澤 -《誰教我》
- 劉浩龍 -《我的好友》
- 劉浩龍 / 應昌佑 -《嬲》
- 李治廷 -《Fly away》
- 李治廷 -《不堪設想》
- 李治廷 -《一片痴》
- 衛蘭 -《退》
- 衛蘭 -《唯愛人間》
- 衛詩 -《寧願你不知道》
- 衛詩 -《可可》
- 衛詩 -《意料之外》
- 衛詩 -《隨時忘記》
- 衛詩 -《小圈子》
- 鄧健泓 -《見光死》
- 鄧健泓 -《走光舊相》
- 蔡卓妍 -《早沾勿藥》
- 鍾欣潼 -《放低過去》
- 陳偉霆 -《黑暗探戈》
- 何韻詩 -《我會選擇C》
- 何韻詩 -《無家可歸》
- 何韻詩 -《娃鬼回魂》
- 何韻詩 -《Happy Ending》
- 何韻詩 -《Her Story》
- 何韻詩 -《失戀日記》
- 何韻詩 -《天然沖晒》
- 鍾舒漫 -《Let’s Pop》
- 鍾舒漫 -《拼圖》
- 鍾舒漫 -《Boy Boy》
- 鍾舒漫 -《談判桌上》
- 鍾舒漫 -《Take it》
- 洪卓立 -《好好先生?》
- 關楚耀 -《美女與怪獸》
- 方力申 -《天同地》
- 李采華 -《怪乖》
- 官恩娜 -《Time to play》
- 徐子珊 -《血拼》
- 鄭希怡 -《Kabombom》
- Janice Man -《Man》
- 曾樂彤 -《我我》
- 鄧建明 -《一口氣》
- 有耳非文 -《元氣飯糰》
- 蘇慧倫 -《工作天》
- 余力機構 -《單人跨國漫遊》
- 姚琇齡 / 丘采樺 -《重大發現》
- Gentlemen -《C’mon Gentlemen》
- 恭碩良 / 盧凱彤 / 周柏豪 / 林奕匡 – 《Now I know》, and many more.
Lyric Works Recognized by the Industry
Teacher Wong Chung-hoi is the lyricist for several hit pop songs, and his writing talent has been widely acknowledged in the music industry. He has received numerous music awards, including:
- Daniel Chan Hiu Tung -《劃火柴》- (Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2022)
- Leo Ku -《爆了》- (Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award Concert 2012)
Passing on Creative Concepts Through Industry Experience
Wong’s diverse lyric works reflect his rich creative ability and sensitivity to music. He has a unique teaching philosophy regarding pop song lyric writing. Drawing on his years of experience in radio, record companies, and the music industry, Wong teaches students to empathize with the composers’ intentions, understanding the stories and concepts they wish to convey to the audience. He emphasizes the careful selection of each lyric from a technical standpoint, using rich language to convey emotions to listeners. Additionally, Wong leverages his extensive musical background to help students gain a more accurate understanding of industry trends and demands.